Story Post: Einherjar candidate: Hix
Look what I found on the internet, Ma: A Biography of Hix
Now I am supposed to suggest stuff. Which is silly because I just spent 45 minutes writing a biography for this guy. But anyways:
Statistics: The Einherjar Statistics are(more for lolz than anything. I want Hix to have fun choosing these)):
Wit +5
Scholasticism +8
Combat -3
Moxie -4
Artistry -7
Tinkering +3
Charisma -10
Mysticism +0
Binary Einherjar Statistics: [male,insane,honorable]
Other text stuff: The Valkyrie Hix may not own the Einherjar Hix because that would ruin all the fun.
DIShonorable, for using that loophole.