Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Einherjar candidate: Jeanne d’Arc

Jeanne d’Arc
Also known as Joan of Arc.  An important figure from the later years of the Hundred Years War.

Combat +4 (+8 if her opponent is Oliver Cromwell or any Einherjar whose biography expressly identifies him/her as English)
Moxie +4 (-10 if her opponent is Oliver Cromwell or any Einherjar whose biography expressly identifies him/her as English.  They did burn her at the stake, after all.)
Charisma +10 (0 if she is recruited by the same Valkyrie as the Valkyrie, if any, who recruits Oliver Cromwell)
Mysticism +6

Female, Honorable, Insane (she did claim to have visions from God, after all)



20-11-2007 05:08:42 UTC

I don’t think we have the necessary rules support for this sort of thing, yet.


20-11-2007 07:26:22 UTC

I think it’s a good idea. It’s only in the wiki, so, would it break the rules as just ideas to have it listed?

Kevan: City he/him

20-11-2007 07:42:12 UTC

It doesn’t even make sense to talk of an “opponent”, under any of the current rules or proposals.

It wouldn’t break the rules to have the bracketed text on the wiki page, but it could mislead players who hadn’t read these comments.


20-11-2007 14:01:46 UTC

wasn’t it her own countrymen who burned her at the stake?


20-11-2007 20:54:48 UTC

She’d only be insane if she didn’t have said visions, but sane if she did, not that we know for sure.


21-11-2007 03:16:52 UTC

I’ll wait until special attributes are allowed before putting this one up.  Even then, the mentions of “opponent” need work, but perhaps I’ll think of something.