Einherjar Candidate: Joe Weider
Name: Joe Weider
Scholastism: -4
Combat: +4
Wits: -2
Cha: +2
Special Ability:
Once per week the owner of Joe Weider may attempt to have Joe “Train” another Einherjar. To do so the Valkyrie Rolls 1DICE10 and subtract the current combat score of the Einherjar being trained. If the result is 10 or more, then that Einherjar has their Combat score increased by 1, the Valkyrie that owned the Einherjar loses 1 Acorn, and the owner of Joe Weider gains 1 Acorn. If the result is 0 or less, then the training was a failure, and Joe Wieder’s Moxie is reduced by 1.
Sounds better than Rex Kwon Do…