Einherjar Candidate: Miguel de Cervantes
Miguel de Cervantes, 1547-1616, Spanish novelist, author of Don Quixote, a contemporary to Shakespeare.
Wit: Very High (wrote ‘Don Quixote’, which has been an inspiration to nearly every comedy since, particularly vaudeville and black satire): maybe 7
Scholasticism: High (Wrote the first modern novel, considered a founding father of Western literature): maybe 5
Combat: High (a soldier and duelist): maybe 5
Moxie: Extremely Low (exiled for dueling; captured by pirates; led 4 unsuccessful revolts as a slave before being ransomed by his family; imprisoned for indebtedness, partly as he didn’t see a single penny from the publication of Don Quixote, even though something like 1/3 of Europeans alive had a copy; died of dropsy, which is a prolonged and painful illness which makes the sufferer extremely thirsty throughout): maybe -9
Artistry: Very High (published many poems, stories, and novels): maybe 7
those numbers should probably be toned down a bit, unless the -9 stat is enough to balance that.