Friday, October 30, 2009

Proposal: Electoral Energy

Timed out with 6 votes FOR. Enacted by Kevan. +10 to Kevan.

Adminned at 01 Nov 2009 13:25:42 UTC

In Rule 2.2.3, replace “Every 5 rounds there will be an election of the Leader of Blognomic. Any player may open the election by making a post to the blog entitled “Election” if one is not currently open, which shall be stickied.” with:-

As a weekly action, a Player may open an election - if there is not already an election in progress, and if no election has already been held that week - by making a sticky post to the blog with the title “Election”.

Also replace “Five rounds after the close of the previous election,” with:-

After 48 hours,

And after “shall become the Leader of Blognomic”, add:-

This rule shall be updated to reflect the new Leader.

The current Leader is Kevan.

The current “Election” rule is a little strange and hard to keep track of. This makes it an optional weekly action that lasts two days, rather than the current compulsory “starting exactly every fifteen days, ending exactly fifteen days after the previous election ended”. It also tracks the Leader in the ruleset, rather than nowhere.


arthexis: he/him

30-10-2009 17:31:31 UTC



30-10-2009 17:47:24 UTC



30-10-2009 18:58:03 UTC



30-10-2009 21:17:57 UTC


ais523: Custodian

30-10-2009 21:20:12 UTC


Darknight: he/him

31-10-2009 02:25:13 UTC
