Proposal: Electronic Warfare
Quorum reached. Passes 7-0—Clucky
Adminned at 23 Apr 2021 01:50:23 UTC
Add the following sub-rule, called “Daemon Programs”, to “The Facility”:
A Daemon tag is a type of Location tag that represents non-sentient hostile software. The Facility Head does not need to spend 1 Budget when performing the Asset Relocation action if the tag being moved is a Daemon tag.
The legal Daemon tags are as follows:
* MED Daemon: Represents anti-viral software. As a daily action, the Facility Head may remove a Virus from the Data Store of one or more Locations with the MED Daemon tag.
* PEN Daemon: Represents automative software that frees researchers from having to do paperwork all day. As a daily action, the Facility Head may add a File to the Data Store of one or more Locations with the PEN Daemon tag; for each File added this way, Staff is one higher until midnight.
* ICE Daemon: Represents software that defends against digital intrusion. When an AI performs a Conspicuous or Treacherous action while Focused on a Location with the ICE Daemon tag, they gain 2 Suspicion and a Virus is added to the Data Store of the Location with their Hosting tag.If an AI’s Understanding contains the three-letter word that is in the name of a Daemon tag (or an obvious synonym of it), then while Focused on a Location with that tag they may as a Treacherous action called Corrupting spend a Virus in the same Location to remove that tag.
If this passes, append “Daemon tags in Locations that also contain the Airgapped tag do not count as existing for the purposes of their own effects.” to the first paragraph of “Daemon Programs”.
Add the MED Daemon tag to the Nerve Center Location.
In “The Facility”, append “Does not count as existing for the purpose of AIs gaining Suspicion if its Location’s Data Store is full.” to the description of the Surveillance tag.
In “Executive Measures”, change “Data Purge: Remove all Files, Viruses, and Hosting tags from a single Location.” to “Data Purge: Remove all Files and one Virus or Hosting tag from a single Location.”
In the same rule, change “Cannot add Hosting tags.” to “Cannot add Hosting or Daemon tags.”
In the same rule, remove the sentence, “If the Location containing the Head Desk tag contains more Viruses than Files, Data Purge is the only Executive Measure the Facility Head may perform, and only on the Location containing the Head Desk tag.”
In the same rule, add to the list of Executive Measures:
* Daemon Activation: Spend 3 Budget to add a Daemon tag to a single Location.
with the soon-to-pass fungible tokens proposal, we’re moving towards a playing field where cluttered data stores obstruct many actions. here’s a rework of viruses so that their real threat is taking up a lot of space n being hard to get rid of, alongside a set of Daemon programs designed to interact with the Virus mechanics!
Kevan: he/him