Emergency maintenance required this weekend
Hi, everyone, your friendly neighborhood hosting sponsor here.
Dreamhost has notified its customers that they will be forcibly upgrading everyone to a minimum PHP version of 5.4 starting on Monday. The recent brokenness here of a few weeks ago was caused by their first attempt to do this, but that time was reversible; this time will not be. So, we’re going to have to upgrade our software this weekend.
Upgrading the main blog will hopefully not be a huge ordeal; I believe ExpressionEngine has a solid upgrade path to their most recent version, and I already have a license for it.
The larger problem is the wiki. A few other folks and I have talked about upgrading it sporadically over the years, but I never acted on it because it wasn’t terribly pressing. Now it is and I want to shoot my past self.
Our MediaWiki version is ancient, and it was, like, the last version before WikiMedia started implementing a consistent upgrade path. I believe the general consensus in the past was that the most efficient thing might just be to copy pages over manually from our current version to a new version installed next to it. But now this is complicated by the fact that the wiki will probably stop working on Monday. The path forward is probably to compile our own copy of PHP 5.2 and have the old wiki use it for the transition period. That’s going to be fun, but doable.
So, in addition to just informing everyone of all this, my purpose here is to ask when the best time this weekend would be for some hopefully brief downtime of the blog. Sunday night is probably the best time for me, but I’m flexible; if that’s a bad time for any current gameplay, I can start sooner.
I’ll be keeping tabs on this post, I’ll be on in the IRC channel all weekend, and I’m available by email at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) .
Any input or suggestions are welcome. I’m very sorry this is so last-minute; if I’d paid more attention I might have started this sooner.
I would prefer doing the transition on Saturday, mainly because it gives enough time for a recovery attempt if things go wrong the first time.
If you’re manually copying wiki pages, be sure to get all the Ruleset_xx pages, even the ones that aren’t linked to a dynastic history.