Thursday, June 10, 2010

[Encounter] Finally, we’re actually playing the game

This encounter is over. -Darth

Adminned at 11 Jun 2010 10:36:53 UTC

Floor 1

3 Grid Bugs (3 HP, 1d1)
1 Newt (6 HP, 1d2)



10-06-2010 17:35:58 UTC

I attack .... I mean kill the first grid bug. Doing 3 points of damage with a +0 dagger.


10-06-2010 17:40:33 UTC

Remaining Monsters:
2 Grid Bugs (3 HP, 1d1)
1 Newt (6 HP, 1d2)


10-06-2010 17:43:35 UTC

The grid bug tries to attack lilomar from beyond the grave but fails due to lilomar’s armor.


10-06-2010 17:59:28 UTC

Point of order: If a monster doesn’t exist, can it still fight? The rules say that a monster’s hp drops, and they cease to exist if it goes below 1 WHEN the @ fights it. They also say that a monster fights back AFTER the @ fights it.

I assumed that a non-existent monster couldn’t fight, no matter what.


10-06-2010 19:22:49 UTC

I attack a grid bug, doing 2 points of damage with a +0 dagger - it (let’s call this one Ken) has 1 HP left. Come on Ken, give me your best shot.


10-06-2010 19:23:33 UTC

Can I have a wiki log-in account please? I want to change my inventory.


10-06-2010 22:16:35 UTC

Okay, I’m giving Freezerbird a wiki account. Then I’ll make “Ken” attack him.


10-06-2010 22:17:15 UTC

lilomar: Ah, okay, I had misread the rules.


10-06-2010 22:18:16 UTC

(Oh, I’ll need Freezerbird’s email address.)


10-06-2010 22:22:32 UTC

So you can’t attack with melee until after 24 hours?


10-06-2010 22:30:21 UTC

Er… yes. Damnit, I had forgotten about that.


10-06-2010 22:30:44 UTC



10-06-2010 22:39:38 UTC

well the daggers used are both ranged and melee weapons. So they are fine.


11-06-2010 00:35:48 UTC

Ah, never mind, hadn’t noticed that daggers were used.

Remaining Monsters:
1 Grid Bug (3 HP, 1d1)
1 Grid Bug (1 HP, 1d1)
1 Newt (6 HP, 1d2)

Jumblin McGrumblin:

11-06-2010 00:52:17 UTC

I would also like a wiki account, please.  Or I could hide it under my uncursed cloak of invisibility.

Jumblin McGrumblin:

11-06-2010 00:56:34 UTC

It being my inventory.


11-06-2010 01:25:45 UTC

I need your email address.


11-06-2010 05:10:38 UTC

I attack the 1 HP Grid Bug (Ken), throwing a dagger at him.

I do 2 HP damage, ending Ken. He has -1 HP for those keeping track at home.


11-06-2010 06:56:57 UTC

Bye, Ken.

Darknight: he/him

11-06-2010 08:01:26 UTC

I attack the last Grid Bug, hereby dubbed Squishy, dealing it 2 points of damage. Squishy has 1 hp left.

And I used a dagger, to avoid confusing DC again.


11-06-2010 12:30:48 UTC

I attack Squishy with another dagger. And do 3 damage. (crap. I’m going to use up all my 3’s. Do GNDT DICE have the same metaphysical rules as physical dice?)

Squishy is dead at -2 HP.

Remaining Monsters:
1 Newt. (6 HP, 1d2)


11-06-2010 17:28:55 UTC

I attack Newt the newt with my +1 longsword for 1d12+1 damage (Result: 8+1=9).

It has -3 HP remaining.  On counterattack, because of my +3 small shield, it will reduce my HP by 1d2-3 (a negative number), but to no effect, since I am already at my MaxHP.


11-06-2010 17:33:09 UTC

I try to attack the Newt for 5 but get ninja’d by Hix.