Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Proposal: Encouraging more wishes

Vetoed for the new Dynasty, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 14 Jan 2010 08:27:26 UTC

Add a new subrule “Wish Recovery” to rule 2.2 “Wish Fulfillment”:

Within the 24 hours after the Djinn has finished granting a wish, the Adventurer who made that wish may (once per wish) roll “Wish Recovery: DICE4” in the GNDT. If the roll comes up as a 4, that Adventurer may increase his wishes by 1.

Basically, reduces the chance that making a wish will cost a wish permanently; sometimes magic leaks out and you get your slot back.



13-01-2010 16:50:53 UTC

Idle FOR.

Darknight: he/him

13-01-2010 17:22:58 UTC



13-01-2010 17:30:58 UTC


Josh: he/they

13-01-2010 19:17:26 UTC

Probably a bit irrelevant now but for


13-01-2010 20:17:29 UTC

against just for the sake of being argumentative.

redtara: they/them

13-01-2010 20:28:56 UTC


ais523: Custodian

14-01-2010 09:30:39 UTC

The irony is, I actually made this proposal to discourage wishing. Why would you wish if better rewards are just around the corner? However, that wasn’t enough to deter Kevan from his winning scam.

Kevan: he/him

14-01-2010 15:02:25 UTC

veto Clean slate.


14-01-2010 15:02:31 UTC

If Kev yanks Rule 2.2 in his Ascension Address, this will fail automatically, right?


14-01-2010 15:02:54 UTC

Simulposted with the veto.