Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Proposal: Enhanced Teams

Reached quorum 11 votes to 3. Enacted by Kevan. +10 points to Yuri.

Adminned at 14 Oct 2009 08:49:11 UTC

If the proposal “[Theft] Civ3 Democracy isn’t quite a Nomic” passes, add the following to “Teams”:

Every player belongs to one of the teams, which are entitled Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. If a player does not belong to a team, any player may assign them a team by rolling DICE7 with a comment of “Team Assignment (player)” replacing “player” with the player’s name. The player is then assigned the team whose name’s position in the team list matches the rolled number. Player’s team assignment is tracked in the GNDT. Players who share a common Team value are teammates; all players from a given team may be referred to collectively as that team (IE. all the players on Team Blue may be collectively referred to as Team Blue).

If at least half of the EVCs on this proposal contain the phrase “Team Blue”, then assign Qwazukee to Team Blue. If at least half of the EVCs on this proposal contain the phrase “Sharing”, then create a subrule of Teams:

If any player gains points for any reason, then all that player’s teammates may increase their points by one, once within 48 hours.


arthexis: he/him

14-10-2009 00:03:48 UTC

for I urge people not to include the Shar|ng part, because it would cause an infinite loop. (If I see that EVC start creeping up, I’ll rather change my vote to AGAINST)

redtara: they/them

14-10-2009 00:06:18 UTC

Ah, good point. I’ll propose a fix.
EAV for Team Blue


14-10-2009 00:20:29 UTC

against  Team Blue


14-10-2009 00:54:47 UTC



14-10-2009 01:07:41 UTC


Darknight: he/him

14-10-2009 02:47:08 UTC



14-10-2009 04:12:27 UTC

for Team Blue!


14-10-2009 06:47:46 UTC


Kevan: he/him

14-10-2009 08:30:39 UTC

for Although “if a player belongs to no team” is contradicted by “every player belongs to one of the teams”.

Josh: he/they

14-10-2009 12:34:41 UTC


ais523: Custodian

14-10-2009 14:04:54 UTC



14-10-2009 14:31:09 UTC



14-10-2009 15:11:29 UTC
