Monday, January 20, 2025

Proposal: Entertainment 720

Withdrawn and failed -SingularByte

Adminned at 21 Jan 2025 20:35:21 UTC

Change the title of the rule “Guesses {M}” to “Guesses {I}” and append the following to it:

Guesses are a mutable variable. If the outcome of a successful Heist Action would change any English word in the ruletext that matches any Participant’s Guess, then instead, that Heist Action does not change that word.



20-01-2025 14:53:21 UTC

I like this. Interesting to give some ways of restricting rules modification

Josh: he/they

20-01-2025 16:00:10 UTC

What am I missing here? Wouldn’t both teams immediately set their Guesses to their rivals target and thus prevent all scoring?

SingularByte: he/him

20-01-2025 16:06:17 UTC

It stops you from changing a word *from* something, rather than *to* something.

Josh: he/they

20-01-2025 16:46:35 UTC

Aha. Okay.

So it will promote wham-bam plays that take four or five Heist actions in a go, as anything slower will be immediately blocked?

SingularByte: he/him

20-01-2025 17:13:27 UTC

That is a good point. I think it’d be preferable if either this only worked on words in plain english, or words that hadn’t been modified by a heist action since the last target assignment.

Brendan: he/him

20-01-2025 18:12:01 UTC

Fair call, I’ve added “English” per SB’s suggestion.

Josh: he/they

20-01-2025 19:16:00 UTC

This now reverses the original precept that Heist Actions should only make words and instead insists that it mustn’t make words instead. Interesting.

Ah, we’re out of edit window. I think against - I think a free, blanket, unblockable, fire-at-will plan disruptor might be bad for game balance.

ais523: Custodian

20-01-2025 22:23:37 UTC

imperial I like the general principle but think that this implementation is probably slightly too powerful.


21-01-2025 00:43:14 UTC

against On thinking about it more, I agree with Josh that this might be a bit much

JonathanDark: he/him

21-01-2025 04:07:33 UTC

Agreed.  against

SingularByte: he/him

21-01-2025 04:58:46 UTC

against It might be something that could go in a role, just so only one member of a team can do it at a time.

Janet: she/her

21-01-2025 05:14:55 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

21-01-2025 14:06:55 UTC


Brendan: he/him

21-01-2025 18:43:21 UTC

against Withdrawn.