Proposal: Entropico-tessero-stabilization
reached popularity 6-0 enacted by card
Adminned at 06 Nov 2017 20:28:46 UTC
Add a new rule, “Synonyms”:
“Tesser” and “Tesserer” are synonyms.
Replace “Every week each Tesserer gains 5 power.” with “As a weekly communal action, a Tesserer may add 5 power to each Tesserer.”
Set all Tesserer’s powers to 0.
After “After X days have passed the action(s) must be performed, and the text removed form the wiki page.”, add:
If the actions are not performed within 48 hours after X days have passed, the Instability of the Tesseract increases by X.
Rename the rule “Power Level” to “The Tesseract”, and add to it:
The Tesseract has an Instability, which starts at 0, tracked on its wiki page.
In which I fix my misunderstanding from T-E-S.
The master approves.