Proposal: Erase and Rewind
Reached quorum, 5-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 28 Jan 2025 16:00:53 UTC
Add a new item to the Other section of the Keywords rule in the Appendix, in alphabetical position, as follows:
To Revert an action or change is both to fully reverse the effects of that change having occurred, and also to consider that change to have not occurred at all. To Revert a document or piece of tracked gamestate to a specific prior state means to return that item to that state, considering the actions that may have changed it since the time of that state to have not occurred. Reverting the gamestate to a specific state does not imply upholding that state.
SingularByte: he/him
Do we need to consider some of the more awkward scenarios, like if you revert gamestate after someone has unidled thereby re-idling them, or reverting blog posts which could essentially delete them?
It might be worth explicitly making it clear that reverting gamestate refers to the tracked gamestate document by default, unless other items of gamestate are explicitly mentioned as being included.