Sunday, August 06, 2023

Proposal: Errant Punctuation

Reached quorum 4 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 07 Aug 2023 08:41:26 UTC

In “Upsides and Downsides”, remove the hyphen that immediately follows a colon and replace “or 10 People if you don’t have any Food” with “or lose 10 People instead if you are Starving”.

Append semicolons to the first two steps of the Gathering atomic action.

If the text “Calculate B = 5 - Defences. If B is > 0, lose B People.” exists in the ruleset, replace it with “If a District’s Defences are less than 5, that District loses People equal to the difference between 5 and their Defences.”.

If the sentence “If a District’s Defences are less than 5, that District loses People equal to the difference” exists in the ruleset without a period, replace it with “If a District’s Defences are less than 5, that District loses People equal to the difference between 5 and their Defences.”


Josh: he/they

06-08-2023 18:17:23 UTC

Is it sufficiently clear that “the difference” refers to the difference between the Defence score and 5?

lemon: she/her

06-08-2023 19:47:14 UTC

i think it’s quite clear! besides, what else could it even mean?

Josh: he/they

06-08-2023 20:00:39 UTC

Arguably, due to the lack of definition, it becomes an orphan variable and makes the whole action impossible to carry out.

lemon: she/her

06-08-2023 20:06:49 UTC

alright, sure. edited for extra clarity :0

JonathanDark: he/him

06-08-2023 23:04:58 UTC


Kevan: he/him

07-08-2023 08:03:36 UTC


Wouldn’t hurt to add punctuation to the list of things that can be harmlessly fixed at any time in the appendix rule about that.

Josh: he/they

07-08-2023 08:33:52 UTC
