Proposal: E’s a Complex Creature
Adminned at 01 Apr 2007 12:37:30 UTC
If the Proposal “Creature’s Gotta Eat” passed, this proposal does nothing.
Add a new Rule titled “Complexity” with the following text:
Each Lifeform has a value called “Complexity”, which is tracked in the GNDT. A new Lifeform begins with Complexity equal to:
*C - 1, where C is the Complexity of the active Lifeform with the lowest Complexity, or
whichever is greater. A Lifeform may not take any action which would result in any of eir Evolutionary Variables’ having a value greater than eir Complexity value. Whenever a Proposal is resolved, if a Lifeform’s counted vote had the effect of a FOR vote and the resolved Proposal passed, or if the Lifeform’s counted vote had the effect of an AGAINST vote and the resolved Proposal failed without being self-killed or vetoed, then the Lifeform’s Complexity increases by 1. If the Proposal was not self-killed or vetoed, then the Admin resolving the Proposal shall roll DICE3 once. On a result of a 1, then the Complexity of all Lifeforms that have not already had eir Complexity increased from the Proposal by this Rule increases by 1.
If the Proposal “Trivial Proposals (trivial)” passed, add the following sentence to the Rule Complexity:
Resolution of a Trivial Proposal does not result in Complexity increases from this Rule.
Initialize all Lifeforms’ Complexity to 1.
The purpose of this is two-fold. The first is to provide a ceiling on the max Evolutionary Variable, like Amnistar’s suggestion without tying it to a specific Evolutionary Variable (which may or may not make sense). The second is to provide another resource (which will be addressed if this proposal passes) that is slightly less volatile than DNA as well as add another layer to strategic voting. Though it’ll still exist, at least there might be a rational reason to vote for a proposal that looks like it will pass.
“if the Lifeform’s counted vote had the effect of an AGAINST vote and the resolved Proposal failed without being self-killed or vetoed”
So, even more incentive to shoot down everyone’s proposals, or to SK your own if they look like they’re going to fail? This has too many uses beyond how I assume you intended it.