Escape: Up and Over
This is it, Darknight. We’ve kept our heads down and crippled the Locker Boys, now is our time. You take a lookout while I start climbing.
This is it, Darknight. We’ve kept our heads down and crippled the Locker Boys, now is our time. You take a lookout while I start climbing.
I should probably actually make a statement:
Note that dca33356d6fa5aa2f496aba9b3bab721 is not the Md5 of “Happy to help you out.”
Yep as what I said in the attack post I can’t fully remember. I think it was happy to help boss but now I’m not sure =\
Even if you could remember it now, “If either Party to an Escape attempt is Injured, that Escape attempt ceases to be a Confession.”, so this breakout is now over.
Back to your cells, everyone.
Kevan: he/him
Summarising the outcomes here since this is potentially the big one and I’m not sure how closely Darknight has been following the dynasty:
* If Purplebeard and Darknight both Cooperate, Purplebeard achieves victory.
* If Purplebeard Cooperates and Darknight Defects, Purplebeard is Injured.
* If Purplebeard Defects and Darknight Cooperates, Darknight is Injured.
* If Purplebeard and Darknight both Defect, nothing happens.