Friday, September 06, 2024

Proposal: Even Elder Judges Need A Side Hustle

Times out. Passes 2-0—Clucky

Adminned at 09 Sep 2024 05:32:37 UTC

In the rule “Fish Function” add a subrule named “Bribes” with the following text:

As a Virtual Fishing Action known as Bribing, a Fishing Contestant may spend a number of their Doubloons, where that number must be at least 10, to request a word from the Fish Function, with the requirement that the number of Doubloons spent must be included in that Virtual Fishing Action communication to the Elder Judge. When that Virtual Action is resolved, the Elder Judge should collect a set of words from the Fish Function where the length of each of those words is half the number of Doubloons mentioned in that Virtual Action (rounded down to the nearest integer) or less, but ignoring any words less than 5 letters long, then privately randomly select one of the words in this set and communicate it back to that Fishing Contestant. If the selected word has been communicated to that Fishing Contestant in a previous Bribing for this same Fish Function, the Elder Judge should repeat the privately random selection until a different word is selected, unless there is only one such word. If there are no words that are at least 5 letters long in the Fish Function, the Elder Judge should skip the privately random selection and instead communicate that fact when resolving that Virtual Action.

An expensive but alternative way to possibly figure out the Fish Function, depending on how lucky you get with the word you bribed the Elder Judge for. 5 letters seemed like a good minimum to get a reasonably meaningful word.



07-09-2024 00:01:33 UTC

By “No words less than 5 letters long” I think you mean “No words with at least 5 letters”, right?

JonathanDark: he/him

07-09-2024 00:16:54 UTC

Yes, good catch. Fixed.


07-09-2024 17:12:47 UTC


Darknight: he/him

08-09-2024 12:24:49 UTC
