Proposal: Ever Given
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 26 Mar 2021 14:55:38 UTC
The Grand Canal for is the Queen of Coins
The Grand Canal for and and is the Ace of Swords
The Grand Canal for all Games started between when this post was made and when it was resolves shall be the card posted by the Dealer to the Game’s Table as part of the the “Secretly randomly generate one card that is in neither players’ hands…” step of the atomic action done when starting that game.
In the Tournament Rules of Giolotti replace “The card is referred to as the Grand Canal.” with The card is referred to as the Grand Canal for that game”.
Grand Canals are a bit of a mess due to it not being clear they are only defined for the game they were posted in. Currently unclear if a) everything ever named as the grand canal is still the grand canal and thus people’s pockets can already have several cards in them b) only the last named card is the grand canal for everyone or c) rules should just be followed as intended
easiest solution to me is to just follow rules as intended, except for Josh and Raven’s game which already started and so both players want to keep using the same grand canal they already scored with.
Clucky: he/him