Saturday, January 11, 2025

Proposal: Every Snail For Themselves

Timed out, 3-2. Enacted by JonathanDark.

Adminned at 13 Jan 2025 02:28:05 UTC

On the Building Blocks wiki page, in the rule “No Cooperation”, replace “Victory in Ascension” with “Victory and Ascension”.

Copy the “No Cooperation” rule from the Building Blocks page of the wiki to a subrule of the “Building Blocks” rule in the ruleset.

Negotiation time! If you want to collaborate to defeat those in the lead, reach out privately to work out a deal and then vote against this Proposal.


ais523: Custodian

11-01-2025 00:33:37 UTC

Could you fix the typo in it at the same time, so that it actually works? (“Victory in Ascension” should be “Victory and Ascension”.) I guess you can amend it on the building blocks page before it gets copied.

JonathanDark: he/him

11-01-2025 00:35:15 UTC

Done! Since enactment is performed in order from top to bottom of the Proposal, this should work: amend the Building Block text first, then copy it.


11-01-2025 03:06:23 UTC

Strange to be proposing against cooperation when you’re 9 Plays behind the leader. I don’t know how either of you sitting on 5 Track Record expect to win alone here unless you have something pretty wild up your sleeve to kill everyone else. FWIW 17 is the most plays anyone has ever finished a Race in (and that was by only Crawling with no equipment - I’m sure it’s trivial to do significantly better). Not sure how to vote on these, I’ll wait and see

Josh: he/they

11-01-2025 07:35:19 UTC

I think that this proposal is ipso facto an attempt to kingmake for Habanero. I can’t in good conscience vote for it.

If it’s an attempt to appeal for someone to work with, have you tried just asking?



11-01-2025 07:54:45 UTC


ais523: Custodian

11-01-2025 08:33:57 UTC


ais523: Custodian

11-01-2025 08:34:59 UTC

(Habanero would get considerably more advantage from being part of a conspiracy than anyone else would, although might nonetheless vote FOR this if it turns out he isn’t in one. Josh would get the second-most advantage, and is acting like he already has one.)

Josh: he/they

11-01-2025 08:58:24 UTC

Paranoia-brain is tremendously useful at the end of the game but it locks one into an extremely defensive mindset. I think your interpretation of my words and actions is locked into paranoia-brain, and it is limiting your creativity, but I’ll see you at the start of Habanero 2 I guess.

To be clear: if this passes, I will be keeping pace with Habanero, moves-wise, and that is not because of co-operation, it’ll be because getting out of the range of Slugs and Predators is in my interests too. That it will enable him to win is a shame but it is a necessary concequence of the game that you are creating.

ais523: Custodian

11-01-2025 09:13:43 UTC

You are aware that the No Cooperation building block makes kingmaking illegal, right? Intentionally throwing the game (which is what you would be doing in that situation) is a form of kingmaking.

I don’t see how your game is any better, anyway – you’re just creating a game of “which of the leaders forms a pool and wins before the other players get to do anything”, which is no fun for anyone outside the pool (and yet there is no incentive for anyone behind to join the pool due to there being no ability to win, receive the mantle, or gain benefits in a future dynasty, thus such players are locked out of the game entirely). There is very little downside in rules changes that are intended to stop the race ending at the instant it begins, except for someone who is planning to do just that.

Josh: he/they

11-01-2025 09:18:09 UTC

Making the best moves for myself cannot be considered intentionaly kingmaking.


11-01-2025 13:08:20 UTC

against, as I would like to potentially conspire (and even if I don’t end up doing so think the game would turn out to be a lot of waiting, what with conspiracy being one of the main driving forces behind moving early)

ais523: Custodian

11-01-2025 13:28:05 UTC

@JonathanDark: You may want to vote for my proposal in addition to this one, rather than as an alternative; Josh has already stated his intention to act in a way that throws the game to Habanero if it passes and claim that it isn’t kingmaking, meaning that it probably doesn’t produce the hard stop you’d like it to; at most, it’s likely to cause a mess of CFJs, or a highly contested DoV, when there’s a very early win and the players involved claim that they were just acting for themselves rather than cooperation. As such, having an objective in addition to subjective barrier may work better.

JonathanDark: he/him

12-01-2025 07:36:30 UTC

I thought I made it clear in my commentary and in the comments on ais’ proposal, but somehow it was too subtle. Let me try to spell my tactic here more plainly.

I’m offering my stance on cooperation for sale. This proposal is to stop all cooperation, but if someone would like to keep cooperation on the table, reach out to me with an offer, and I’ll change my mind and sink this Proposal.

If the message was clear, but you find it too distasteful to engage in a mercenary contract like this, that’s no problem. We just see how it plays out in that case.