Sunday, April 11, 2021

Call for Judgment: Everybody Ready?

Reached quorum 6 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 12 Apr 2021 09:09:20 UTC

In “The Crown Match” replace

These Games will have at least 12 hours (but no more than 48 hours) between the ending of one and the starting of the next


Two crown matches may not start on the same day. Additionally, if a contender has spent pegs to influence the next crown match (the most recent time any contender did so is known as the Incidence), the Dealer may not start a crown match unless either 12 or more hours have passed since the Incidence, OR, at some point after the Incidence, the contender who was not the one to most recently spend pegs to influence a crown match publicly or privately to the Dealer conveyed their willingness to start the match

CfJ as this is an urgent matter I want to ensure gets passed today

Dynasty ending because one of us spends pegs to influence a match before the other even has the chance to respond would be a rather bummer note.

With this, we should be able to have the final crown match tomorrow (if I win the 2nd one), but I don’t have to wake up find that Josh has maximally spent his pegs in an optimal manner and then Kevan starts the games on the early side so I can’t respond. Likewise I can’t catch Josh napping for an hour in the morning and get Kevan to start the game before he can respond.


Josh: he/they

11-04-2021 16:36:37 UTC

I’m fine with this specific fix, although I still think that the Dealer should have been required to publish game start times in advance. for

Kevan: he/him

11-04-2021 16:37:28 UTC


Clucky: he/him

11-04-2021 16:39:01 UTC

I think the dealer publishing start times can reward fast fingers / free schedules which isn’t ideal


11-04-2021 16:42:26 UTC


Lulu: she/her

11-04-2021 17:08:02 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

11-04-2021 17:10:26 UTC


Kevan: he/him

11-04-2021 17:17:01 UTC

Actually, is it clear enough that “Crown Match” is a synonym for “Crown Match Game”, as used here? A Crown Match is explicitly defined as “a special set of three Games”.


Clucky: he/him

11-04-2021 19:17:39 UTC

maybe not?

I guess you could argue in theory that you could now start crown match games at any time. But i think the intent is clear, and there is nothing stopping you from following the intent.

lemon: she/her

11-04-2021 19:20:40 UTC

for should say “crown match game” per kevin but also i would vote on a CfJ that the intent of these rules is crystal clear– this might even count as a typographical error that can be fixed at any time?

Kevan: he/him

11-04-2021 19:39:18 UTC

[Clucky] True, although if any single player requested that I follow the letter rather than intent, once this CfJ removed the 12-hour time limit, it would seem fair to respect that.