Sunday, January 05, 2020

Ex Pear Ray Ants

Create a new rule called “Experience”:

Individuals can have Experience and Perks, defaulting to having none. These are tracked on the Individuals wikipage. As a weekly communal action, an Individual can grant all Individuals 1 Experience. An Individual can spend 1 Experience to gain an instance of a Perk listed below. The following are Perks, and their effects (if any)
- Treasure Hunter: As a weekly action, you can set an Artefact’s Location to a random Location.
- Second Wind: Spend this Perk to remove half (rounding up) of your Flesh Damage.
- Medic: As a weekly action, remove up to 10 Flesh Damage from Individuals that share your Location.
- Italian: You are Italian.




05-01-2020 20:44:46 UTC

Not a proposal, but if it were: against, because the concept of perks is getting stale for me.


05-01-2020 21:33:02 UTC

Woops lol