Proposal: Excuse me professor, does this class have a purpose?
Self Killed, but Clucky escapes from the combat.
Adminned at 25 Jul 2008 07:58:30 UTC
Add the following to the end of the rule “Classes”
Each class has bonus intrinsic points in various skills. These bonus points are not counted when totaling the cost for upgrading a skill, but apply in all other circumstances. The bonus points each class gets are as follows:
Wizard - Magic and Reveling
Fighter - Combat and Bravery
Rogue - Thievery and Bravery
Monk - Religion and Combat
Sorcerer - Magic and Thievery
Cleric - Religion and Magic
Barbarian - Combat and Thievery
Bard - Reveling and Bravery
Paladin - Religion and Bravery
Ranger - Combat and Reveling
Peasant - none