Proposal: Experts in their field
Withdrawn. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 13 Apr 2023 23:12:20 UTC
Add a new rule named “Expertise” and give it the following text:
Each Engineer has a publicly-tracked integer named Expertise that defaults to 0.
There is a publicly-tracked variable named Performance Review that defaults to empty.
Whenever the Performance Review contains a date and time, if there is only 1 Engineer who has the highest Expertise at exactly 48 hours after the date and time in the Performance Review, that Engineer achieves victory.
If there are 2 or more Engineers who have the highest Expertise at exactly 48 hours after the date and time in the Performance Review, any Engineer or the City Architect may add 48 hours to the date and time in the Performance Review.
In the rule “The Building”, add the following text to the end of the bullet that begins with “Spend any amount of Focus”
Track the Risk of this Build action where Risk = N - Building Stability.
In the rule “Safety Checks”, replace this bullet:
* If the Build atomic action was completed in the previous step of this Inspection, and the Building is not Collapsed at the time of this completion, count the number of Gaps in the Building at that time and add this number to their Safety Checks
with these bullets:
* If the Build atomic action was completed in the previous step of this Inspection, and the Building is not Collapsed at the time of this completion, add the Risk of the Build completed during this Inspection to their Expertise
* If at least 1 Engineer has an Expertise of at least 100, and the Performance Review is empty, set the Performance Review to the current date and time rounded down to the nearest minute
For each Engineer who does not have a Specialisation and whose Safety Checks are at least equal to the Building Number, set their Safety Checks to 10.
For each Engineer who has a Specialisation, set their Safety Checks to 7 minus the value of the Building Number at the time that they most recently set their Specialisation.
Another attempt at WinCon. This time, victory is tied to the amount of risk you take when you Build during an Inspection. Safety Checks become only currency for setting Specialisation. Resetting every active Engineer’s Safety Checks ensures a fair start if they are only gained 1 at a time from a successful Build.
Expertise is an integer and can go negative. If you play it too safe during an Inspection, you get penalized.
Brendan: he/him
I’m not sure “any Engineer or the City Architect may add 48 hours to the date and time in the Performance Review” does what you’re intending—does it mean that “any player can edit the Performance Review and increase the time and date in it by 48 hours?” Adding the hours to it of one’s own accord doesn’t necessarily change anything about the review.