Proposal: Expressions and quantifiers
Times out and passes 6-0 / Skju
Adminned at 17 Jun 2013 11:50:14 UTC
To the rule “Formulae”, add the following paragraphs (excluding text between square brackets):
An Identifier is a string of uppercase letters. [This would be called a Variable, but that name is already taken.] A Predicate is an uppercase letter followed by at least one lowercase letter.
A single Identifier is an Expression. An Identifier, followed by a list of Expressions enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas (e.g. “F(X,Y)”), is an Expression. A Predicate, followed by a list of Expressions enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas, is a Formula.
The symbols “FA” and “TE” are Quantifiers, not Identifiers. [“FA” represents the phrase “for all”, and “TE” represents “there exists”.] A Quantifier, followed by an Identifier, followed by a Formula, is a Formula.
Now we can have sentences referring to Atoms and whatnot without them having to be Formulas with truth values,
Although, I’m not sure that you’ve defined expression well enough.