Proposal: Facility Frenzy
timed out and failed, 5-2
Adminned at 22 Jul 2023 23:39:20 UTC
Add a subrule to “Initialisation”. Call it “Provisional Facilities” and give it the following text:
The Provisional Facilities Registry is a publicly tracked list of text strings that are flavortext. If there is a rule called “Initialisation Phase Two”, then the Great Machine and each Machinist may add a text string of their choice to the Provisional Facilities Registry if they have not already done so.
If there is no rule called “Initialisation Phase Two”, the Great Machine may create a Facility with a name of their choice, a text string from Provisional Facilities Registry as its Function, and the most appropriate parent Megasystem according to their own judgment.
The Great Machine may remove any text string from the Provisional Facilities Registry at any time, and should do so to remove text strings that would be unfair, nonsensical or unsuitable as the Function of a Facility, or that have already had a Facility created from them. The Great Machine may correct obvious typographical errors in a Facility’s Function.
JonathanDark: he/him
I was confused by this at first, as I thought that the Provisional Facilities Registry was allowing Machinists to specify Facility names, but it’s not…it’s allowing Machinists to specify Functions for Facilities.
Shouldn’t it be called the Provisional Facility Function Registry instead?