Friday, July 14, 2017

Factions: Try 2

Create a section within “Dynastic Rules” called “Factions”.
Within “Factions” add:

The Seraphim shall assign a private faction to each player, unknown to the player unless they request their Faction from the Seraphim. The Factions the Seraphim can assign are the titles of the sections directly under this section. Abilities of the Factions are detailed within. The precise method for doing it is by randomly assigning one of the Factions with the least Pactmakers to the first Pactmaker on the player list, then repeating until all Pactmakers have a Faction ready for them. All squares outside of a zone of control or all factionless players are Unaligned.

Within “Factions” create 2 separate sections: “Traditionalists” and “Innovationists”.
Within “Traditionalists” add:

The Traditionalists have bases based at (-3,-3) and (3,3). Their zone of control encompasses the 3 x 3 square with the (-3,-3) base at the top left corner and the 3 x 3 square with the (3,3) base at the lower right corner.

Within “Innovationists” add:

The Innovationists have bases based at (-3,3) and (3,-3). Their zone of control encompasses the 3 x 3 square with the (-3,3) base at the top right corner and the 3 x 3 square with the (3,-3) base at the bottom left corner.

Trying again. Please explain opposition.


Madrid: Idle

14-07-2017 22:34:56 UTC

It’s possible to add an outline to a set of squares on mediawiki iirc, could be useful to get all of the info at glance.

card: Idle

15-07-2017 17:35:48 UTC

[Thunder] this isn’t a proposal, if that wasn’t clear