Proposal: Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair
Reached quorum 6 votes to 2. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 07 Aug 2011 05:15:36 UTC
In the rule “Fouls”, replace “If, after 24 hours, a quorum of Gladiators have voted AGAINST the Foul Post, then the awarded Foul is transferred from the Gladiator who was initially accused to the Gladiator who made the Foul Post.” with:-
A Foul Post is a Votable Matter. If a Foul Post is more than 48 hours old, any admin may mark it as closed, at which point it is no longer a Votable Matter - if more Gladiators voted AGAINST the Foul Post than FOR it at this point, then the awarded Foul is transferred from the Gladiator who was initially accused to the Gladiator who made the Foul Post.
Change the definition of “Votable Matter” in the Keywords rule from “The word “Votable Matterâ€, means a Proposal, a CFJ or a DoV.” to:-
A post which Gladiators may cast Votes on, such as a Proposal, a Call for Judgment or a Declaration of Victory.
When this proposal enacts, any comment on a Foul Post which contains a voting icon shall be considered to have been cast as a Vote on that Foul Post, by the Gladiator who posted the comment.
It’s not clear whether Fweep posts are timing out with no effect because most players silently agree that they’re legal, because players aren’t sure, because they don’t have time to vote, or because they don’t really care which of two rival players is disadvantaged with a Foul. This bumps their voting duration up to 48 hours, and operates on a majority of expressed opinion rather than requiring a full quorum to disagree.
This will open up all previous Foul Posts for reassessment, so players may wish to go back and vote on the expired ones.
(It also amends the definition of “Votable Matter” so that we can actually say “this new type of post is a Votable Matter” without contradicting the Appendix.)
Ely: Idle