Proposal: Fair Training
Adminned at 19 Oct 2008 14:34:42 UTC
If the Proposal titled “Back to the Basics” failed, this Proposal does nothing.
Create a new rule called Physical Training:
As a fortnightly action (an action that can be taken once every fortnight), a Clansmen may choose to polish some of their talents by training. To do so, they choose a Physical Stat and post a comment in the GNDT of “Training X 1DICE4” where X is the chosen stat. The results of the training depend of the result of the roll: On a 1, the chosen stat is raised 2 points but the Clansmen reduces one another of their Stats of their choice by 1. On a 2, the chosen stat is raised 1 point. On a 3, the chosen stat is raised by 1 point, and the Clansmen choses another one of their stats to increase by 1 as well. On a 4, the Clansman raises all their stats by 1 except for the chosen stat. No stat may go above 25 by training.
“All references to time must be either specific or defined within the ruleset to be considered achievable in the gamestate.”
Fortnight is not defined within the ruleset.