Proposal: Fairies
That’s time 1-3. Failed by card.
Adminned at 21 May 2017 06:09:18 UTC
Add to the ruleset a Section called “Fairies” under “Combo”. Within it, add:
Each Manager has a Fairy. Fairies have the following traits (formal powers/limitations):
• Substitute: A Fairy is an entity that can pilot and perform their Manager’s formal actions for them.
• Lazy: A Manager’s Fairy does nothing unless commanded to. Fairies default to inaction (doing nothing).
• Programmable: A Manager can command their Fairy by making a Fairy Command post.
• Gamestate-Percieving: Fairies can percieve the Gamestate and perform actions according to it (for example, giving it the command “If the Fairy rolls a 6 with their ‘Luck Dice Roll’, then it does X. If it rolls anything else, then it does Y”). Note: Other Fairies are part of the Gamestate.
• Elusive: Other content in the Dynastic Ruleset can only refer to any set/subset of All Fairies if it explicitly refers to a them (i.e. “This affects all Gamestate entities” wouldn’t affect Fairies, but “This affects all Gamestate entities, and all Fairies”, would) .
• Stubborn: By default, a Fairy will attempt to complete its most recent yet-incomplete action it has been commanded to until it completes it, and it won’t attempt to perform any other action until it completes that action.
• Impatient: Fairies perform actions instantaneously but in the sequence they have been commanded, by default.
Managers can post Fairy Command posts at will. These posts have the following traits (formal powers/limitations):
• Fairy Language: A Fairy Command post contains a series of instructions that should be understandable with casual reading (although it can be more complex if needed), which pilot and perform the Manager’s formal actions (via the Fairy commanded by it).
• Explicit: A Fairy Command post must have enough information to illustrate the command/s given. (For example, the command “My Fairy does a series of actions such that I gain Victory” wouldn’t be explicit enough, but “My Fairy rolls a DICE100 a million times” would be explicit enough.)
• Limited Gas: A single Fairy Command post cannot compel a Fairy to do an action any later than 2 hours after such a post was posted.
This is pretty much a protosal for the next dynasty in the form of a proposal this dynasty and I think that concept is gnarly crazy so I’m going for it.
This is intentionally a much looser version of “Combos” (since it bases itself on casual language rather than a pseudo-computational one, as an alternate approach to the same problem).
I’d say it’s better to hold this off until the next dynasty which fits the theme (or just retheme it to fit the next dynasty if one themeatically fits something like this).
Also when writing something like “Elusive: Other content in the Dynastic Ruleset can only refer to any set/subset of All Fairies if it explicitly refers to a them (i.e. “This affects all Gamestate entities” wouldn’t affect Fairies, but “This affects all Gamestate entities, and all Fairies”, would).” keep “Prioritisation” from the Appendix in mind. Since this is currently Dynastic rule any rule which is narrower in scope than this would take precedence. Something like “Next Tuesday at 12pm, replace all words starting with F in the Dynastic ruleset with Foo”