Proposal: Fake It Till You Make It
Those Soldiers who are literate are recommended to be artistic and original in any creative writing tasks this war may entail. High Command understand creativity and wit to be directly connected to battlefield success; and what They say, goes.
Reporting, Devenger. (Thanks Kevan for implementing the new emoticon.)
(Passed after 48 hours, 10-3-2)
Adminned at 17 Feb 2009 11:41:24 UTC
Add the following to Rule, “Action Points”:
When voting on a Proposal, a Soldier may include the
icon with their Vote if they believe the Flavor Text for that Proposal is well-suited to the Dynasty.
When a Soldier’s Proposal is Enacted or Failed, that Soldier may increase their AP by 1 if the number of counted votes that include the
icon exceeds or equals Quorum. This may only be done a single time per such Proposal, and only within 24 hours of Enactment or Failure.
A Soldier’s AP shall not be greater than 10.
Make the icon available when commenting in the same way the voting icons are available.