Proposal: False Portents
Timed out and failed, 1-4. Josh
Adminned at 21 Jun 2023 09:32:31 UTC
Add the following as a subrule of “Tier 4: Protoplasmic Quantum Soup” called “Quantum Deception”:
As a Forkable Existential Action called Quantum Deception, a Mindjacker may privately message the Ascendant an instruction to generate a specific Portent based on a single sentence enclosed within quotes. The Ascendant shall, as soon as is practical after receiving the message, generate a Portent which matches the sentence enclosed in quotes (but with the quotes removed). If the new Portent is identical to an existing Portent that has not been mentioned in a previous Observatory Report, the Ascendant must also increase the Neural Strain of the Quantum Deceiving Mindjacker by 1.
here’s a risky tool u can use to mess with other players’ information, if you’re clever! it’s powerful, but it’s only accessible in Tiers 4 and 5, and always gives 1 or 2 Suspicion on account of being Forkable.
Bucky: Idle