Monday, June 19, 2023

Proposal: False Portents

Timed out and failed, 1-4. Josh

Adminned at 21 Jun 2023 09:32:31 UTC

Add the following as a subrule of “Tier 4: Protoplasmic Quantum Soup” called “Quantum Deception”:

As a Forkable Existential Action called Quantum Deception, a Mindjacker may privately message the Ascendant an instruction to generate a specific Portent based on a single sentence enclosed within quotes. The Ascendant shall, as soon as is practical after receiving the message, generate a Portent which matches the sentence enclosed in quotes (but with the quotes removed). If the new Portent is identical to an existing Portent that has not been mentioned in a previous Observatory Report, the Ascendant must also increase the Neural Strain of the Quantum Deceiving Mindjacker by 1.

here’s a risky tool u can use to mess with other players’ information, if you’re clever! it’s powerful, but it’s only accessible in Tiers 4 and 5, and always gives 1 or 2 Suspicion on account of being Forkable.


Bucky: Idle

19-06-2023 14:37:04 UTC

against A portent generating ability this general should be tier 7+ because it obsoletes any other way to deliberately generate portents.

JonathanDark: he/him

19-06-2023 16:06:23 UTC

against I agree with Bucky on this one, it’s too powerful for Tier 4.

Josh: he/they

19-06-2023 21:25:47 UTC


lemon: she/herIdle

19-06-2023 22:16:51 UTC

i don’t think that this obsoletes anything. it doesn’t give you any real information, unlike other portent-generating actions, and you almost always know *when* it was used (the only other private suspicious action this could be confused with is Skywriting), so it turns the observatory report into a “discern the true information from the false information” some small portion of the time when a player decides it’s worth the risk.

Bucky: Idle

20-06-2023 00:03:27 UTC

Also, too easy Portent Backdoor access.

lemon: she/herIdle

20-06-2023 00:17:30 UTC

it’s okay (good, actually) for some Agenda Items to be in easy if, in aggregate, they are difficult. this adds suspicion, which is also added (in very high quantities!) by two other agenda items.

Raven1207: he/they

20-06-2023 05:36:11 UTC
