Proposal: Family Ties
Timed out / quorumed, 7 votes to 3. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 12 Oct 2015 07:16:55 UTC
Create a new Dynastic rule titled “Nepotism”
All Cardinals have Nepotism, a number tracked in the GNDT. It defaults to 0. As a weekly action, a Cardinal may spend 2 Benefices to gain 1 Nepotism. As a weekly action, a Cardinal may gain Influence equal to their Nepotism.
Add to the rule “Vices”, after “They may not use this action to set a Vice that the targeted Cardinal would not normally be able to choose.”
*Luxuria - A Cardinal may not choose Luxuria as their Vice if they are a Papabile or they have any Nepotism. Upon choosing Luxuria, the Cardinal gains one Nepotism.