Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Proposal: Fast Fails for DoVs

Unpopular, 1-6. Josh

Adminned at 18 Mar 2021 21:50:57 UTC

In the rule Victory and Ascension, change

It is Unpopular, and it has been open for at least 12 hours.


It is Unpopular.


The five-day prohibition on subsequent DoVs should be enough to prevent completely frivolous DoVs, and the 12 hour waiting period smacks of collective punishment, or - more malignly - the application of social pressure to prevent players from making DoVs unless they’re really, really sure, which would inhibit newer players more than crustier ones.


Kevan: he/him

17-03-2021 11:28:09 UTC

Looking at this again I think the main thing the 12 hours might be doing is giving all players an opportunity to see the post and comment on it - it’s the same time period we give before enacting DoVs and proposals.

It’d be unfair to enact a proposal or DoV overnight without everyone having a chance to at least read it and point out problems or scams in it. Failing a DoV is maybe also a big enough game event to merit letting everyone weigh in: if three players are immeditely sceptical, three are going with the flow and some of the remainder (possibly including the DoVer) have an incisive observation or rebuttal that will turn the tide - but are asleep - tough luck, it fails.

We’d probably even see a shift to “hmm, not sure about this, I’ll vote later when people have discussed it more” abstentions if DoVs could be instantly failed when they hit antiquorum.

Josh: he/they

17-03-2021 11:40:50 UTC

Mm, I think that the presence and promenance of the slack undercuts that argument a bit - just because a votable matter is closed doesn’t mean that the discussion has to be over any more - but I also think that a shift to a more considered tempo of voting wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world.

Lulu: she/her

17-03-2021 11:46:00 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

17-03-2021 11:53:22 UTC



17-03-2021 12:06:30 UTC


Kevan: he/him

17-03-2021 12:48:22 UTC

[Josh] Possibly generous to assume that a rapidly failed DoV and a growing consensus that maybe it was valid after all would end in a quorum carrying the failed DoVer on their shoulders to a CfJ’d victory, if that’s what you’re implying - rather than a pragmatic “shame you didn’t make that argument in the DoV, and can’t make another one for five days, then” and playing on.

Josh: he/they

17-03-2021 12:57:51 UTC

Oh, sure - in that instance I feel like “shame you didn’t make that argument in the DoV” is the correct response - a DoV that fails is rarely the fault of the people who voted against it, however bad I think the reasoning is sometimes. I guess I feel like having a venue for discussion is the more important aspect of a post being open for longer, especially given that people really don’t seem to change their votes on DoVs all that much.


17-03-2021 15:58:38 UTC


Brendan: he/him

17-03-2021 17:48:15 UTC


Clucky: he/him

18-03-2021 18:17:22 UTC
