Sunday, August 29, 2010

Proposal: Faster and less buggy business

Reached quorum 7-0, enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 01 Sep 2010 02:13:27 UTC

In rule 2.4.4 “Private Ownership and the Means of Production”, change

As a weekly action, any Earthling may take a Business Action on behalf of a Corporation that they are a member of, if no member of that Corporation has taken a Business Action for that Corporation earlier in the current week.


An Earthling who is a member of a Corporation may cause that Corporation to take a Business Action of their choice, but not if that Corporation took a Business Action in the previous 48 hours, or if that Corporation has already taken two Business Actions in the current week.

One major change here (Corporations can now act twice as often); and one major bugfix. The bug is that by tying Business Actions to weekly actions of members of the Corporation, then they can take up to three actions a week; all that is required is for one member to take an action and then leave, and now “no member of that Corporation has taken a Business Action for that Corporation earlier in the current week”. This also prevents Corporations taking an action right at the end of a week and right at the start of the next (using the weekly of two different people); weekly actions have a safeguard against this when Earthlings are involved, but not with respect to Corporations.



29-08-2010 23:18:26 UTC



29-08-2010 23:52:25 UTC



30-08-2010 02:05:58 UTC


Josh: he/they

30-08-2010 07:58:17 UTC


Darknight: he/him

30-08-2010 20:19:03 UTC


Kevan: he/him

31-08-2010 08:23:11 UTC
