Proposal: Fate is what we make of it
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 Mar 2015 13:32:49 UTC
In the rule “Readings”, change the paragraph with the following text
Before making each Reading, the Astrologer should evaluate their previous Reading, and adjust the Fate of each Townsperson accordingly. For each Townsperson, they should assess whether the requirements set out in the Predictions for the Constellation / Sign Position pairings in their Birth Signs have been met. For each Prediction that has been met, a Townsperson gains 1 Fate. For each Prediction that has not been met, a Townsperson loses 1 Fate. If a Townsperson has not met any of their Predictions, they neither gain nor lose Fate. If the Astrologer feels that any Townspeople are Uncanny, each such Townsperson gains 1 Fate.
Before making each Reading, the Astrologer should evaluate their previous Reading, and adjust the Fate of each Townsperson accordingly. For each Townsperson, they should assess whether the requirements set out in the Predictions for the Constellation / Sign Position pairings in their Birth Signs have been met. If three Predictions have been met, a Townsperson gains 2 Fate. If 2 Predictions have been met, a Townsperson gains 1 Fate. If no Predictions have been met, a Townsperson looses 1 Fate. If the Astrologer feels that any Townspeople are Uncanny, each such Towsperson gains another 1 Fate.
If a Quorum of all EVCs contains the word “Reset”, set the Fate of all Townspersons to 0.
Can’t have NO Proposals pending, can we? :-P