Thursday, July 06, 2023

Feedback Loop

Feedback about the 20th Dynasty of Josh - The Simulation Dynasty


JonathanDark: he/him

06-07-2023 14:30:28 UTC

I enjoyed this dynasty a lot, even though I didn’t participate in the Symbol n=Name hunting as much as I would have liked to. I particularly enjoyed Josh’s flavourtext from the successful Mindjacking posts, especially towards the end.

As I said before, I didn’t have the time to dedicate towards the Symbol Name hunting, but I’m pleased that it turned out to be a solid mechanic after some initial skepticism.

The Tier system with different dynastic rules that only applied depending on your level (and in some cases, other factors like Occupancy Tier) was a neat idea and I thought worked pretty well.


06-07-2023 15:21:13 UTC

There wasn’t a whole lot I could do to compete 2v1 in such a small group.

Josh: he/they

06-07-2023 15:40:39 UTC

Mm, finding out that there was a 2v1 cabal at the end was a bit of a surprise.

I’m largely happy with how this dynasty turned out. A few more players wouldn’t have hurt but three consistently active players throughout is absolutely fine, and I think lemon more than earned her win.

The ruleset is huge but also interesting; I’m surprised there weren’t more scams.

All in all I’ve definitely scratched the itch for a chunky, complex dynasty. Looking forward to maybe something lighter next time!


06-07-2023 15:45:54 UTC

> I’m surprised there weren’t more scams.

It ended on a scam. There were some latent scam components that never found their time, like deliberately setting off your own Trigger. There were significant scams earlier in the dynasty, both of which I was in on and both of which were retroactively punished.

Josh: he/they

06-07-2023 15:49:04 UTC

Sure. Surprised there weren’t more! Lots of mechanics, lots of weird interactions.

Chiiika: she/her

06-07-2023 19:12:20 UTC

towards the middle of the dynasty the whole rules and the dynastic gameplay loop was too much for my sorry ass to handle, especially that week was super stressful for me

lemon: she/her

06-07-2023 21:34:42 UTC

yeah, i really enjoyed this dynasty!! i thought josh’s story post flavour text was excellent, and i enjoyed the symbol name guessing mechanic (which was partially by design, because i proposed a lot of the name guessing actions/rules! i like this sort of game).

& yeah, there was technically a scam at the end of the dynasty, but it wasn’t a scam win i don’t think, as the scam (i assume you’re talking about the Meme Tunneling thing) didn’t actually affect the outcome at all.

there was a different scam i was sitting on since very early in the dynasty that i never got to use. it actually wasn’t a cabal with JDark for the first half of things, it was just a “hey if we both end up at Tier 6 with enough Matterium, let’s pull off this scam”.

so, i’m not sure if anyone else noticed, but when Kevan proposed, there was one more instance of “no Mindjacker” that had already been in the dynastic rules, and that was in the clause describing Ascension Criteria. it was my plan since pretty early on to reach Tier 6 with no Ascension Criteria above me, change that rule, and immediately rocket up to Tier 9, arguing that the scope prioritisation rules meant i didn’t have to fulfill *any* ascension criteria. but when the T7 criterion was added, the top Tiers were squished down a little bit, and i found myself in T6 with a pretty good lead, i decided just playing conventionally was more feasible.

i had that pretty good lead in T6 before JDark offered to help me, and Bucky wasn’t doing much in the lower Tiers, so i feel confident saying that JDark’s assistance mostly just accelerated the endgame, really :0


06-07-2023 22:44:07 UTC

I had to ration my Suspicion very carefully, given that I had two Mindjackers Blameshifting on me and nowhere to Blameshift to myself.

Kevan: he/him

07-07-2023 09:01:38 UTC

What was going on with the Jonathan and Lemon’s “If Raven1207 does carry out an Astromantic Ritual…” Triggers at the end, there, when Raven hadn’t been playing the dynasty? Were they pre-emptively blocking any possible alliance between Raven and Bucky?

Three active players does seem too few for Nomic, and it becoming 2-vs-1 might even be inevitable - with no alliances, the trailing two can easily outvote the leader, so the leader will cut a deal with one or the other.

lemon: she/her

07-07-2023 10:32:07 UTC

@Kevan the Tier 3 Ascension Criterion required us to have a Trigger which could be fulfilled by another Mindjacker, and i was pretty confident that Raven wouldn’t take any dynastic actions that would clear my trigger & force me to spend another action re-setting it. then, in Tiers 6 and up, we couldn’t edit our Triggers at all (and still needed them to be fulfillable)! unfortunately, i think that Criterion ended up causing the whole Triggers mechanic to atrophy, because if u, for example, set a trigger to do something when someone else ascended (something that u’d have many reasons to do), you’d be failing to fulfill the Ascension Criterion bc players very rarely have the ability to ascend!

Kevan: he/him

07-07-2023 10:53:56 UTC

Ah, that makes sense.

Josh: he/they

07-07-2023 11:00:12 UTC

The nice thing about triggers having been a bit spiked is that I think they’re not burned; I’d be up for revisiting them as the core mechanic for a later dynasty