Proposal: Fiat Bux
Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 Dec 2022 17:18:49 UTC
For each Explorer whose EVC on this Proposal was FOR, set the Items of that Explorer to Lit Flashlight.
Vetoed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 Dec 2022 17:18:49 UTC
For each Explorer whose EVC on this Proposal was FOR, set the Items of that Explorer to Lit Flashlight.
Could you give the flashlight instead of replacing our entire inventories with it? Just in case
Maybe he really does want Explorers to lose their entire inventory to gain the Lit Flashlight?
I’m really not keen on the whole idea of potentially every single player in the game getting a flashlight. It kind of defeats the point of having darkened areas.
@SingularByte solution: write a mechanic that makes flashlights expire! is “several players who are paying attention get a flashlight” really worse than “Bucky gets a flashlight, everyone else can pound sand?”
The voting bribery angle is definitely appreciated. Nice work!
I haven’t forgotten the issue that Bucky is the only one with a flashlight right now. I did promise more, and I will follow through before it’s too late. Don’t forget that I’m currently in control of the Black Cat while no one is Possessed, so I have a certain amount of control in determining when the opportunity for Possession will happen.
A little startled and disappointed at this veto, which doesn’t seem to me to square with the Imperial Styles laid out in the AA, and wasn’t hinted at in the first two imperial comments on this proposal back when it was still editable. Making proposals is a move in nomic; what other moves are available to make?
Rewarding only the voters can be a bit of a swizz if it passes quickly and the late arrivals miss out.
I’m not saying proposals aren’t moves. I just think that your reasoning that “Bucky has a flashlight and it’s not fair” for this proposal is overreacting a little when we haven’t even had the first turn yet.
I do think that the majority of the players want some interplay between the flashlights and the Dark rooms, based on all of the votes and proposals that put light and dark rules into play. Too many flashlights render Dark rooms nearly useless.
I’m also assuming (especially where it was stated explicitly) that some of these “for” votes were out of self-protection and not truly in support of proliferating flashlights. That’s the “Protective” part of my Imperial Style coming out to protect their interests.
Admittedly, this might have been more Designer than Guide, but I’m really trying to use the “steer” part of Guide sparingly. This was one time I felt it was necessary.
JonathanDark: he/him