Saturday, May 04, 2024

Proposal: Fiddling Small Change

Timed out 1 vote to 4. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 06 May 2024 11:18:00 UTC

In “The Plan”, replace “2DICE5” (the outcome of Cash/Scouting) with “DICE5”, and “1DICE3” (the outcome of Standard) with “DICE2”.

Stuff/Eavesdropping currently adds an average of 4.125 Florins’ worth of content to a Haul, at a cost of 3 Florins/Notoriety. Cash/Scouting adds an average of 6 Florins for 2 cost. Seems like that should be a bit lower, particularly when Florins are less interesting to distribute and don’t require fencing.

And since a lower payout won’t be very much above the DICE3 baseline for just turning up, maybe we should drop that to DICE2.


Clucky: he/him

04-05-2024 16:02:58 UTC

Your math is incorrect here because it misses the opportunity cost of doing a standard action, which still on average adds 2 to the pot. So its really only adding an average of 4 to the group for a cost of 2 from the self. Hope is you get repaid with a bit of what else you added to the group, but no guarantee that happens.

Your change would make it so that it only adds a baseline of 1.5, at the cost of 2 from the self. So there is no reason to do this at all.

Overall I think it would be good to see how the Notoriety change effects moves. If needed, we can drop the 2DICE5 to 2DICE4, but think this approach is overkill


Kevan: City he/him

04-05-2024 16:33:10 UTC

The cost is a little fuzzier now that it’s Notoriety.

“Spend 2 Notoriety to generate 6 cash” and “Spend 3 Notoriety to generate 4.125 pseudocash which will cost someone 4.125 Notoriety to convert into cash” seem the wrong way around, but fair enough if I’m maybe dropping the first too far against “Spend nothing to generate 2 Cash” to compensate.

Clucky: he/him

04-05-2024 16:43:26 UTC

Yeah I think the “stuff” costs could be tweaked. But I wanna see a haul or two play out with the Notoriety change before changing cash or the defaults.

Kevan: City he/him

04-05-2024 16:51:41 UTC

I do think the game might benefit generally from more Possessions and fewer loose Florins in the Hauls, to make it harder to reach a mathematically fair division.

(Would note on your “a standard action, which still on average adds 2 to the pot” comment that this proposal is also reducing the payout of the standard action by 0.5, to DICE2.)

Clucky: he/him

04-05-2024 19:10:48 UTC

Right. Currently baseline contribution is 2. Cash contributes 6. So you’re +4 over baseline +2 notoriety

This change, baseline contribution drops to 1.5. Cash contributes 3. So your 1.5 over baseline +2 notoriety

Pretty big nerf


04-05-2024 21:54:27 UTC

against Per clucky. Say no to nerfs, TODAY!

JonathanDark: he/him

05-05-2024 06:10:03 UTC

I definitely agree with the idea of playing out a few Hauls and then tweaking stuff later. Heck, with the new “Busted” idea, we can just make the latest Plans busted after week and come up with some other plans entirely, without having to do tweaks like this.


Juniper.ohyegods: she/her

06-05-2024 07:29:04 UTC

Nope. Breaking the game is the best part, so I say against to nerfs.