Proposal: Fiiissshhh…
Fewer than a quorum of Hunters not voting against. Failed 2-9 by Kevan.
Adminned at 10 Aug 2016 13:37:58 UTC
Create an new rule,“Hunger”, containing the following:
A Hunter has a statistic, called hunger, tracked in the GNDT. Hunger defaults to 15. Each day, a hunter must lower their Hunger by one. If Hunger reaches zero, a hunter is Starving. A Starving Hunter must not take any action that would not cause their hunger to increase. If hunger reaches a negative number, the scribe is Comatose, and cannot preform any action. Any Hunter may render a Hunter no longer Comatose by Sacrificing (1/2)|x|, where x is the negative value of a Comatose Hunter’s Hunger. The Comatose Hunter’s Hunger is immediately set to 1 and they are now no longer Comatose.
Add a subrule to this, called “Fishing”.
A Hunter may increase their hunger by Fishing. Fishing is a daily action and Inclusive. A Hunter who Fishes may increase their Hunger by two. Any rules that add a new way to gain hunger must be appended to this rule.
Probably a better way to start…
RaichuKFM: she/her
Note: The time scale is odd, and rather grindy. And it needs to default to a value.