Saturday, February 03, 2007

Proposal: Filmography

Passed 10-6-1.
Adminned by ALethiophile.

Adminned at 05 Feb 2007 14:21:48 UTC

Create a new rule entitled Filmography.

Each actor has a filmography.  This is a list of the past films they have played a role in and the role that they played.  The filmographys for each actor will be maintained on the wiki.  Any film listed in the filmography must exist on IMDB [] and a link should be provided.  No two actors have performed in the same film. 

The filmography wiki page is considered part of the Gamestate and thus may only be edited as explicitly allowed by the Rules.

Any actor who has less than 10 films in eir filmography may add a film and a role at any time, provided the film has not already been added by another actor.

Create a wiki Page for the filmography.  This should be linked from the sidebar, and from the rule just created.



03-02-2007 22:37:35 UTC

Edited typo my->may

Josh: he/they

03-02-2007 22:37:44 UTC


Elias IX:

03-02-2007 22:45:23 UTC


Kevan: he/him

03-02-2007 22:49:58 UTC

for Excellent.


04-02-2007 00:29:05 UTC

I personally don’t have a problem with this, but we may want more specific rules as to what roles one can have in a movie and so on.


04-02-2007 00:50:27 UTC

for I like it.

Angry Grasshopper:

04-02-2007 01:42:44 UTC


Cheese, err, are we still doing that?


04-02-2007 01:47:42 UTC



04-02-2007 02:18:43 UTC

for No, they killed that off at some point.. :)


04-02-2007 03:11:42 UTC

against CoV, want to wait and see how things turn out after the initial flurry of proposals resolves


04-02-2007 03:40:58 UTC

And the point is??????? against


04-02-2007 05:01:54 UTC

snowball : this is the beginning of a dynasty, generally the usefull proposals at this point will include an openended mechanic that the dynasty can build out from.

grasshopper : Well im not going to kill it in case there is a problem with kevan’s updated version posted a little after this.  But assuming his passes this is repealed, so the results of this vote will only matter if his fails.

Angry Grasshopper:

04-02-2007 05:05:08 UTC

ChinDoGu: Sorry! A long time ago we were giving out ‘Cheese’ as a reward for creative and interesting proposals, and I wanted to nominate yours. ;)

Look up an old ruleset, say… Excalabur’s second game?


04-02-2007 05:07:55 UTC

Oh, ok.  I’m with you now.



04-02-2007 14:11:08 UTC

for I can see this going somewhere interesting.


04-02-2007 19:42:49 UTC

This can only lead to trouble early. It will create a rush for good films to put on your fimography leaving Actors who are less active on the site at a disadvantage. Still against .


04-02-2007 20:20:59 UTC



05-02-2007 00:59:24 UTC



05-02-2007 01:21:48 UTC


Elias IX:

05-02-2007 01:42:40 UTC

Current vote count:

7-6-1 (Doremi hasn’t voted yet.)


05-02-2007 01:55:48 UTC

6-6-1. spikebrennan CoVed.

Elias IX:

05-02-2007 02:10:09 UTC

7-6-1, including ChinDoGu’s vote.

Elias IX:

05-02-2007 02:10:31 UTC

Sorry for forgetting to mention that right away.

Clucky: he/him

05-02-2007 12:54:36 UTC


Kevan’s rule makes it so that no harm can come from passing this rule. And it is a good rule, even if Kevan’s is better.


05-02-2007 13:20:37 UTC

8-6-1 at 39 hours, quorum is 13.


05-02-2007 13:28:06 UTC

CoV:  for to move this towards elimination from the queue. I’ve already voted to repeal it so moving this towards passage will do nothing but help clean up. I encourage others to do the same as Rise to Fame look’s certain to be passed.


05-02-2007 13:38:32 UTC

and 9-5-1 now

Elias IX:

05-02-2007 15:25:49 UTC

CoV to clear the queue:  for



05-02-2007 18:31:43 UTC

There is no point to this. It simply adds to the complexity of the game.  against

The Doctor:

05-02-2007 22:06:35 UTC


Elias IX:

05-02-2007 22:21:54 UTC

CoV to make less work for adminning:  against
