Monday, July 22, 2019

Call for Judgment: Filtered Inbox for Judges

Popular 5 to 0. Enacted by derrick.

Adminned at 23 Jul 2019 19:44:13 UTC

Change “If a Wizard or King is the Judge for more than one Duel for which a Triumphant has not yet been declared or selected, then that Judge cannot take actions on any but the earliest of those Duels.”

If a Wizard or King is the Judge for more than one Duel which has begun, and for which a Triumphant has not yet been declared or selected, then that Judge cannot take actions on any but the earliest of those Duels (based on the times at which they had begun, not on the times of their being posted).

It seems likely that derrick is stuck waiting to judge dead duels, like Puel Duel Tue and Fall Duel, before he can take action on any duels posted later. This requires duels to have started, before they are ordered for judging.


Kevan: he/him

22-07-2019 21:05:44 UTC

imperial Would fix that problem, but it also becomes more difficult to work out which one to process next.

Kevan: he/him

22-07-2019 21:15:34 UTC

(And hmm, this means it was illegal for the King to accept becoming judge on other duels. That didn’t occur to me when writing it - sorry about that.)


22-07-2019 21:27:09 UTC

It’s already hard to tell, but if I can I’ll keep up a sticky listing of the start date ordering.

How would accepting judge position be illegal?

BTW, derrick hasn’t judged any duels since the original rule was passed, as far as I can tell.

Kevan: he/him

22-07-2019 21:42:22 UTC

Oh, you’re right, they can take the becoming a Judge action because they aren’t a Judge on the Duel in question at that moment, so are free to take an action on it. Maybe I did think the original proposal through after all.


23-07-2019 07:56:29 UTC


redtara: they/them

23-07-2019 17:48:31 UTC


derrick: he/him

23-07-2019 19:39:54 UTC
