Final Plot Seed of the week… and the dynasty
Darth Cliche nukes the town where this takes place. Everyone is dead now, except for Yoda and Darth Cliche.
Darth Cliche nukes the town where this takes place. Everyone is dead now, except for Yoda and Darth Cliche.
Sure he can, just doesn’t do anything, he is expressing his disaproval of the idea.
It’s not an official plot seed anyway since it’s not on the plot summary page.
*chuckles evilly*
Please ignore that chuckle. I’m still recovering from Purplebeard’s dynasty of sheer awesomeness.
Yoda, that is an illegal move. The Plot Summary can only be edited as the ruleset permits. The ruleset does not let anyone, even you, delete plot seeds.
Oh, and I notice you didn’t complain when my plot seeds were removed…