Saturday, May 02, 2009

Proposal: Finale, Part II Take II

Reached quorum (8-1) - Devenger

Adminned at 04 May 2009 13:01:39 UTC

Create a sub-rule to Rule 2.2.4 The Finale, called ‘The Awkward Aftermath’, with the following text:

When the Finale becomes Finished, Scripters may not vote how the rule Best in Show Votes would normally allow them to. Instead, a Story Post shall be created by the Producer called ‘The Awkward Aftermath’, to be known as the Vote Post; this will link to this rule’s text. When the Vote Post is created, the dynasty enters the Voting Stage.

Each Scripter has a statistic called ‘Vote’, tracked in the GNDT. Scripters start with no value for this statistic. While the dynasty is in the Voting Phase, as a daily action, a Scripter can change their Vote statistic to the name of any Scripter other than themselves who posted a Scene to the Finale that was not Cut.

48 hours after the Vote Post has been created, while the dynasty is in the Voting Stage, the Producer may declare in a comment to the Vote Post that the dynasty has entered the Bribery Stage. 72 hours after the Vote Post has been created, if the dynasty is still in the Voting Stage, any Scripter may declare in a comment to the Vote Post that the dynasty has entered the Bribery Stage. When the dynasty enters the Bribery Stage, it leaves the Voting Stage.

Each Scripter has a statistic called ‘Bribe Value’, tracked in the GNDT. Scripters start with a Bribe Value of 10 + their Popularity, rounded up. When the dynasty enters the Bribery Stage for the first time, each Scripter’s Popularity is set to their own Popularity rounded up, and each Scripter’s Bribe Value is (again) set to 10 + their Popularity. While the dynasty is in the Bribery Stage, a Scripter may Bribe another Scripter (the Recipient) by spending X Royalties, where X is at least the Recipient’s Bribe Value. They then change the Recipient’s Vote statistic to the name of any Scripter (who posted a Scene to the Finale that was not Cut) other than the Recipient, and increase the Recipient’s Bribe Value to the Royalties they spent to make the bribe, plus 1, plus their own Popularity statistic. (Scripters are considered to have 0 Popularity when making bribes if their Popularity is below 0.)

72 hours after the dynasty enters the most recent Bribery Stage, the Producer may declare in a comment to the Vote Post that the dynasty has left the Bribery Stage, and that Movie Completion has been achieved. 96 hours after the dynasty enters the Bribery Stage, if the dynasty is still in the Bribery Stage, any Scripter may declare in a comment to the Vote Post that the dynasty has left the Bribery Stage, and that Movie Completion has been achieved. Scripters are said to have voted for the Scripter named in their Vote statistic, if any. When Movie Completion is achieved, if there is not a tie, the Scripter with the most votes of this kind is titled the ‘Finale Winner’, and their Scene they created in the finale alone is placed on a wiki page titled “Final Act”. If there is a tie for most votes, Movie Completion is no longer said to have been achieved, the Royalties of each Scripter are increased by 15, and the dynasty enters the Bribery Stage again. The ‘Finale Winner’ may achieve victory in the current Dynasty.

Trying again.

Admin ‘advantage’ removed, achieving of victory explicit, first paragraph simplified, winner’s title changed to be distinct.

- The Producer


ais523: Custodian

02-05-2009 19:19:02 UTC

for A fixed version of a good proposal.

Darknight: he/him

02-05-2009 22:31:29 UTC



02-05-2009 23:03:20 UTC



03-05-2009 01:47:22 UTC



03-05-2009 06:49:03 UTC



03-05-2009 16:13:06 UTC


Josh: he/they

04-05-2009 11:49:56 UTC

against For the same selfish reasons as last time, plus the fact that anyone will be able to change Devenger’s vote for free at any time - a minor quibble but an annoying one.

Kevan: he/him

04-05-2009 13:54:08 UTC

for Devenger’s Bribe Value will keep going up every time he takes a bribe.