Monday, March 20, 2023

Proposal: Finding A Way Out

Withdrawn and therefore failed -SingularByte

Adminned at 22 Mar 2023 06:51:27 UTC

If “Veni veni venias” is enacted, this Proposal has no effect.

Add a new rule called “The Beacon” and give it the following text:

The Beacon is a privately tracked variable with either a blank value or the partial or full identification of a Cell, defaulting to blank.

Whenever a Runner is the only Runner with a Location exactly matching the same Cell as the Beacon, and the Beacon is not blank, the Gridmaster should make a blog post indicating the Runner’s name and Location and that they found the Beacon. That Runner achieves victory.

In the rule “The Lines”, add this bullet just before the last bullet:

* Blank the Beacon’s value

In the rule “Disks”, add this row to the table:

| signal.c || 3 || You may pay 3 Power. If you do, send a private request to the Gridmaster setting either the row letter or the column number of the Beacon, then remove this Disk. If honoring this request would result in the Beacon containing the same Location as the Runner executing this Disk, the Gridmaster should privately randomly select a row letter if the Runner requested a column number, or privately randomly select a column number if the Runner requested a row letter, and set the Beacon’s value to the randomly-selected value plus the Runner’s requested value. Otherwise, the Gridmaster should only set the Beacon’s row letter or column number value with the Runner’s choice. In either case, the Gridmaster should privately respond at their earliest convenience confirming only the setting that the Runner chose.


An alternative wincon to “Veni veni venias”. The Beacon changes location every time the Stratum changes, so the Runner(s) who know the Location of the Beacon want to try to keep the Stratum from changing, while other Runners without any information about the Beacon may want to change the Stratum as soon as possible.


lendunistus: he/him

20-03-2023 14:11:41 UTC

doesn’t really solve the RNG issue imo since if the beacon is super far away from you, it’s impossible to get to it until a new stratum loads

and you can also just stumble on the beacon and win so ehhhhhhh

JonathanDark: he/him

20-03-2023 15:22:05 UTC

I’ve changed it up so that the Beacon’s value is actually partially set by the Runner executing signal.c, so another Runner is less likely to just stumble on it, though it’s still possible. This should also solve the issue of the Beacon being too far away.

Also, I changed the Effect so that using signal.c twice doesn’t result in an insta-win, though it could just be one Tick away.

JonathanDark: he/him

20-03-2023 15:41:52 UTC

I made a few more tweaks to prevent the insta-win.

SingularByte: he/him

20-03-2023 17:42:56 UTC

I’m in agreement with lendun on this one. You’re either going to randomly get the disk, which trivialises it, or the disk won’t spawn yet which will mean that it’ll just end when someone stumbles into it at random.

Kevan: he/him

21-03-2023 09:01:07 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

21-03-2023 15:59:16 UTC


lendunistus: he/him

21-03-2023 16:23:51 UTC


2 players with signal.c disks can also coordinate an instawin

Lulu: she/her

21-03-2023 16:53:41 UTC


JonathanDark: he/him

22-03-2023 04:36:59 UTC

against Withdrawn