Proposal: Fire Editorial
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 14 Sep 2021 08:34:19 UTC
Reword the sentence “Each Cell has an Ideology, which is privately tracked by the Ministry of Information (although a Cell can and should keep track of their Ideology themselves)” in the rule “Ideologies” to read:
Each Cell has an Ideology, which is publicly tracked.
Delete the rule “Anonymous Tips” and its subrule “Bounties.”
I think it sounds more fun to be able to follow Ideology changes and try to gauge whether they’re cooperative or adversarial; there’s enough deduction opportunity with guessing which Adherents go where, if Bounties are exciting to people.
Clucky: he/him
I don’t really like this
Right now, there is a nice little risk/reward in telling people about your ideology. You can align and get more buzz, but you run the risk of them ratting you out if they know what your ideology is.
If this passes, there won’t be any real risk to that sort of teamwork and this’ll just help cabals more because they can realize which ideologies have recently had people supporting them and so likely don’t have as many citizens left.