Proposal: Fire in the Disco!
Timed out, 10-5, one short of quorum. - Elias IX
Adminned at 18 Dec 2005 08:21:14 UTC
This rule fixes the bug Saurik found in In My Hot Little Hands that gives every player an item called “Nothing”.. hopefully the new item is more palatable to everyone playing ;-)
If there is no rule named “Items”, this proposal has no effect.
change the text:
Players who are not currently carrying an Item shall have their Item Held field set to “Nothingâ€.
to the text:
Players who are not currently carrying an Item shall have their Item Held field set to “Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyerâ€.
All players with their GNDT “Item Held” slot set to “Nothing” have their “Item Held” slot set to “Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer”.
Add a new subsection named “Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer” to the rule “Items” with the text:
A beautifully detailed piece of paper, folded into thirds. Poorly drawn fire covers the front, along with large red letters reading “Fire is Dangerous”. You are very interested to read the flyer.
The flyer reads as follows:
Fire Marshal Description:
The office of Fire Marshal in most North American firefighting services is responsible for investigating fires. They are members of the fire department, and they must have firefighting experience, but they are also sworn law officers. They carry a handgun, wear a badge, and make arrests (Usually arsonists).Flavor text taken from Wikipedia.
If there is only one Protagonist holding a Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer e immediately becomes the Fire Marshall and the Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer erupts in flame. (That Protagonist’s Item slot is then set to “Ashes of a Fire Marshall Recruitment Flyer”.)
Add a new subsection named “Nothing” to the rule “Items” with the text:
The most POWERFUL item in the game. Any Protagonist holding one or more Nothing(s) may dub Protagonists “Fire Marshall” at will.