Proposal: Fix part Three
Vetoed as redundant, to clear the queue (an earlier proposal added a new sentence to the end of the “Bloodline” rule, so this would have no effect).
Adminned at 07 Feb 2010 14:13:05 UTC
In the Rule “Bloodline†remove “or lower” in the last sentence.
Imagine following situation: A Guest “GuestA” has a DoR (degree of relation, I dont want to write this term all the time) of x. Another Guest “GuestB” has a DoR of x+1. If a new Guest arrives, he might get a DoR of x+1, too. If raise/lower is chosen randomally, too, GuestB has a 1/4 chance to get a DoR of x. But then two Guests have the same DoR - so GuestB has then a 1/4 chance (1/16 totally) to get a lower DoR than GuestA. When a new Guest arrives, it is always possible, that another one becomes Heir, the safe contains strange information and so on.
If raise/lower is not chosen randomally at such points (mabye Keavan would see this problem then), it would be unfair, because there are players, who have the chance to get a lower DoR, and only because another one has a DoR, which is one lower, you wont have such a chance unless the other player gets a lower DoR? Thats not ok, I think.
This also fixes the fix mentioned in “Proposal: Small Fix To The Small Fix”. Ill calculate later, how big the possibility of such an action is. I do not expect it is big, but there will be a chance for it though…
Seems sensible.