Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Proposal: Fixes, fixes, fixes.

Fails, majority against.

Adminned at 20 Mar 2008 20:42:29 UTC

Set the location of all captains whose location is undefined (or ‘port’) to ‘Home Land’.

Add to rule “Ships”:

A ship has no effect or meaning unless specifically referred to as a ship. If two ships have the same name, all non-NPC captains with a ship of that name immediately lose their ships.

In subrule “Treasure Hunting”, rewrite

daily a Captain may hunt for treasure.

so that it reads

a Captain may hunt for treasure as a daily action.

in the entry in the Treasures Page describing The Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket, rewrite the second paragraph so that it reads:

Due to the frozen ground, the Ice Spar Bucket of Nantucket is harder to dig up then most treasures. For a pirate to claim this treasure, e must roll a 1 or 2 twice during the same attempt at hunting for treasure, once to break the icy ground and a second to dig the treasure up before the ground freezes again.

Unless more than half of all comments containing counted votes also contain the text “More time!”, repeal subrule “Changing Your Pet”.



18-03-2008 22:56:24 UTC

What does the first part do exactly and why do we need it?


18-03-2008 23:40:10 UTC

against The part about ship names makes it possible for a person to pay to get a new ship, name it the same as someone elses, then take their ship.


19-03-2008 00:28:01 UTC

Hmm… yes… perhaps it should say that if the owner of a ship changes the name of their ship to the same as another, they lose their ship. This would disallow someone to rename someone elses ship to destroy two other peoples ship. While that would be illegal anyways, this way you cannot punish someone else by changing your own ship name, as sneaky as that would be.  against 

The rest is good though.


19-03-2008 01:58:03 UTC

against I agree.  If the rule about ships was removed I would vote FOR.


19-03-2008 02:00:30 UTC



19-03-2008 08:11:23 UTC

against I will vote for if the ship rule is removed.


19-03-2008 10:30:50 UTC

It’s impossible to name your ship the same as someone else’s (rule 2.2: “All Captains have a Ship, which has a name, that may not be the same as any other Ship’s name”)
This just prevents people from naming eir ship the same as an NPC ship while the proposal creating that NPC is still pending.


19-03-2008 21:22:55 UTC

Then I think it should be limited to that rather than having it so open-ended.

Darknight: he/him

19-03-2008 22:30:33 UTC



20-03-2008 03:14:46 UTC

Well, in that case,  for