Proposal: Fixing Acuity
Passed 11-1. Brendan
Adminned at 05 Nov 2007 14:40:40 UTC
There are many odd cases in the current acuity points rules; here’s a try at cleaning them up.
This does overshadow most of the changes from “Recquiescat in Victus”, but I believe it includes the spirit of those changes.
In the rule “Poison”, delete
If a werewolf dies from poisoning and the apothecary is not a werewolf, he gains an Acuity point. If a non-werewolf dies from poisoning and the apothecary is a werewolf, he gains an Acuity point.
Replace the rule “Acuity Points” with:
Each villager accrues Acuity Points, which are tracked secretly by the Mayor.
Whenever any Villager becomes Dead (hereinafter “the deceased”), the Mayor will determine award Acuity Points to the other Villagers, as follows.If the deceased is a Werewolf, no werewolves may be awarded Acuity Points for the death; similarly, if the deceased is not a Werewolf, only werewolves may be awarded Acuity Points for the death.
Also, no Villager may earn more than one acuity point for any single death.
Subject to these primary constraints, the Mayor shall award an Acuity Point to any Villager who, in his opinion, contributed to the death of the deceased.“Contributing to the death of the deceased” includes, but is not limited to:
* Attacking (as per “Werewolves”) the deceased, causing his death
* Voting FOR the proposal that directly caused the death of the deceased.
* Creating an item that causes the death of the deceased
* Providing information that prompts others to kill the deceased.
With a subrule “Victory”:
If all living Villagers are Werewolves, or all living Villagers are not Werewolves, then the Mayor may post a blog entry announcing this, and listing the Acuity Points of all living and dead Villagers, whether or not they are werewolves, and any other secret information he has been tracking. Upon posting this entry, the rule “Dead Men Tell No Tales” (if it still exists) is repealed.
Following that post, if all living villagers are werewolves, the werewolf (living or dead) with the most Acuity Points, may declare victory and assume the running of the village.
Similarly, following that post, if all living villagers are not werewolves, the non-werewolf villager (living or dead) with the most Acuity Points, may declare victory and assume the running of the village.
This way, as we come up with new and interesting ways to kill each other, Acuity Points will still work right. Also, there is never an incentive to work against your own side.
Rodlen: Idle