Sunday, April 12, 2015

Proposal: Fixing the fix so it’s a fixed Fixing.

Reached quorum 7 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 14 Apr 2015 08:43:10 UTC

In the Rule “Ratings” change

1. The Rating defaults to - - - - -.
2. If the Recipe contains the Reviewer’s Favourite Ingredient in an amount matching or exceeding the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot of that Ingredient, one minus is changed to a Star.
3. For each Valued Property of the recipe that matches the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Star.
4. For each Valued Property of the recipe that exceeds the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Plus.
5. If the Recipe does not have the Additional Property Vegetarian and the Reviewer is a Vegetarian, replace all but two Stars with Minuses.


1. The Rating defaults to - - - - -.
2. For each Valued Property of the recipe that matches the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Star.
3. For each Valued Property of the recipe that exceeds the Reviewer’s Sweet Spot for that Valued Property, one minus is changed to a Plus.
4. If the Recipe contains the Reviewer’s Favourite Ingredient, replace a Plus with a Star.
5. If the Recipe does not have the Additional Property Vegetarian and the Reviewer is a Vegetarian, replace all but two Stars with Minuses.

If the favorite is in it, a little too much sweetness can be okay.


Brendan: he/himIdle

13-04-2015 00:25:04 UTC


Ely: Idle

13-04-2015 07:24:12 UTC

How do we interpret ‘match’? a) Exactly equal, or b) Greater or equal?
If it’s a, then it’s not possible to get 5 stars.
If b, you can get 5 stars by exceeding the SS in all properties and just adding the favourite ingredient.
Neither option is desirable, I think. against
Sorry for creating that ambiguity in the first place.

mideg: Idle

13-04-2015 09:11:00 UTC

I looked up in a dictionary. There are several (in fact lots of) definitions for “to match”, but basically it either means exactly the same or it means fitting to something like in “the skirt matches the shoes”. I think in this context, this is unambiguously the first meaning, especially since the exceeding “case” is explicitly handled differently.

Since I like this mechanic, I’d love to see a fifth Valued Property introduced instead of stopping this Proposal, especially since the version currently in play is kind of broken and needs fixing anyway, since there is no “Reviewer’s Sweet Spot of [an] Ingredient”.

I got an idea for a fix, though, and will propose now.

Kevan: he/himIdle

13-04-2015 09:48:52 UTC


Darknight: he/himIdle

13-04-2015 13:07:07 UTC


severian: Idle

13-04-2015 13:24:06 UTC


Josh: he/they

13-04-2015 16:04:21 UTC


exploto: Idle

13-04-2015 22:06:30 UTC
